About Us
Who is Mad Moose?
Hailing from Denver, Colorado, (and a transplant from Wisconsin) the Mad Moose Whiskey Company is made up of a group of people who grew up climbing 14ers, mountain biking notorious single tracks, and paddling through our beautiful state canyons and river valleys.
We like to keep it simple. We'll take an uncovered tent under the stars in Maroon Bell's over an upscale Hilton any day of the week. Our happy hour is spent analyzing Elway's next big move in a local bar vibing to vintage blues guitar rather than dining in a 5-star steakhouse downtown.
We like our beverage like we like our lifestyle, simple. Give us a Colorado whiskey and some good company by the fire and we are set. Some of us like it straight, some of us like to express our vulnerable side and throw a splash of coke in it. There is one thing we can agree on, we like a bold, unique whiskey made with integrity.
Our passion is to create a brand and line of products that we enjoy and we can share with good people who love the simple things in life as well.